GENESI 3.0 – short

“Nowadays we are constantly surrounded by technology and what goes with it.
Social media is one of the first forms of immersive experience, in which we agree
to be part of an illusory reality. Not physically tangible, but in which we are
emotionally involved to such an extent that we immerse ourselves totally in it,
forgetting about the real emotions and the reality that surrounds us. “

director: Francesco Leoni
actress: Martina Rella
cinematographer: Riccardo Pelagatti
1st Ac: Costantino D'Arpa
make up artist: Irene Coccoli
3d artist: Francesco Leoni
Colorist: Alberto Bornati
sound design & audio production: Riccardo Papparella, Alessandro Bernacchi
photographer: Lorenzo Cesare